Shoreline Park
Long-billed Dowitchers /
This is NOT a Trash Bird /
They behave the way they behave because we behave the way we behave. Give me warm water and food close to home and my inclination to migrate fades too. Canada Geese are beautiful.
Redgannet dropped by unexpectedly and proved to me that people met on the internet are funny, knowledgable, generous, and a pleasure to be around. Hmmmmm, I wonder who else is out there on the internets. At any rate, It was a pleasure meeting the international phenom and fellow 10,000 Birds Beat Writer. He was on the scene and witnessed the splendor that is a Canada Goose bathing in morning sunlight.
Looks like fun. I know, I know... anthropomorphosization. But seriously, it looks like fun.
Golf Owls /
Burrowing Owls are adorable. They are also terribly photogenic, which means people often get too close while trying to get a picture. These disturbances can be problematic and it gets even more complicated when the birds take up residence on a busy golf course. Now the photographers are just one of many hazards to avoid.
Standing at the burrow, cooly surveying the landscape... er, golf course.
I can see why people might flush them inadvertently. The park should do its best to help golfers and the general public know which areas to avoid.
I pride myself in being conscientious and careful but that didn't stop me from being surprised by an owl hiding in plain sight. I stepped away quickly.